
Struggling to believe everything happens for a reason? Read this now…

Struggling to believe everything happens for a reason? Read this now...Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Read on to feel a bit better about the challenges in your life. Plus learn a philosophy to help you believe that everything works out in the end.

You know that expression, “The more things change, the more they stay the same?”

Well, Aristotle said it first. In his own particular words and way.

Aristotle (one of my personal favorite philosophers) believed that the universe is in a state of constant motion – always changing, always evolving.

However, at the same time, there is one thing that always remains a constant in everything.

Aristotle called this “constant” the word…


He defined “entelechy” as “your unique-to-you highest potential.”

Aristotle believed that everything on this planet possesses its own “entelechy.”

He further explained it like this…

 “Having the ability to grow into one’s highest potential stored within a person, animal, or thing.”

Quickie Example: Consider the mighty oak tree.

Its journey to mighty greatness begins with a small acorn seed.

Of course, the seed has to go through certain changes and stages of development in order to reach its full potential.

But the potential is a constant: to become an oak tree.

You will never see an acorn become a petunia plant, an umbrella or a pizza.

According to Aristotle, everything happens for a reason: to help your “entelechy.”

Your experiences are designed to shape you, define you and (hopefully) grow you into the mightiest you possible.

believe everything happens for a reasonAgain, let’s consider the mighty oak tree.

When a storm hits it, the mighty oak is meant to grow into an even mightier oak.

Those winds can actually help the mighty oak to grow stronger trunks and stronger branches.

However, the mighty oak will only grow mightier, as long as it intuitively bends – so as to endure those stormy winds.

Yep – that storm – in the long run – can become the best thing to happen to a mighty oak – because it helps the mighty oak to grow into its highest, mightiest potential.

You too can use adversity to grow into your mightiest self.


You can tap into what Aristotle calls “conscious insight” –  a unique-to-humans awesome perk – which gives you the ability to analyze and see life from many perspectives.

When you purposefully choose to tap into conscious insight”  you are able to see why and how to bend with stormy winds – instead of angrily resisting the things that life is blowing at you!

Plus…when you choose to tap into conscious insight” you are more able to see…

Yes, everything happens for a reason!

For example…you know that nasty break up you endured?

You can choose to lovingly rename the experience…

“The break up that led to the breakdown that led to the breakthrough!”

In other words, what may have at first seemed deflating, frustrating or painful can be experienced with conscious insight as an empowering growth opportunity.

According to Aristotle, everything happens for a reason.

There’s purpose, meaning and growth to be gained from whatever tough times you face.

All life’s challenges are there to offer you special miracle-growth-insights to help you rise up stronger and higher as your mightiest self.

Struggling to believe everything happens for a reason? Read this now...So here’s the great news:

You are on your way to a happier life if you consistently choose to tap into “conscious insight” – and keep thinking about your purpose for being here on this planet.

Your purpose:

Tap into your “entelechy” – and become your mightiest potential.

Of course, when things are going badly, there is always a tempting urge to shut down and shut off.

When I’m tempted to shut down, I think of a horror movie I once saw with unconscious, soulless zombies – all miserably going around taking bites out of all the happy, alive, soulful people.

One bite and the conscious, soulful people would become unconscious, soulless zombies too!

I think about those zombies – then make a conscious choice not to become an unconscious soulless zombie – just because I’ve been bitten by an unconscious soulless zombie!

Struggling to believe everything happens for a reason? Read this now...Basically… the only way to survive becoming an unconscious soulless zombie after being bitten by one is to use “conscious insight” to resist this happening.

You must emphatically look for the gain in your pain – your empowering growth opportunity!

Yes, to become your highest, mightiest self, you must choose “conscious insight” and steadfastly choose to focus on the lessons being taught to you.


Bad things—and bad people—happen to everyone on this planet.


You cannot control much of what happens in life. Life is a lively fusion of free will merged with destiny.


Free will gives you the choice to tap into conscious insight and become your mightiest self.

With free will you can…

  • Choose to morph all your pain into all your gain.
  • View your tormentors as your mentors – and seek out the insights they are meant to teach.
  • Turn all your struggles into valuable lessons that help you grow strong.
  • Fully believe that everything happens for a reason – to inspire wisdom and growth.

So when times get tough, think of Aristotle, mighty oaks and zombies.

(I bet you’d never think you’d see those 3 things in one sentence!)


  • “Conscious insight” is the most powerful miracle growth formula you have to nurture your inner seed for your highest potential growth.
  • Believe in your inner entelechy—and believe in your soul’s unique path—and you will find yourself growing into your mightiest, most awesome self!

Here’s a quote to help you further believe things happens for a reason…

quote about things working out in the end

“Whatever is happening in your life, don’t pre-occupy yourself with the question WHY? But rather ponder more on to WHERE these events will be bringing you. Know you are being led to somewhere beautiful, beyond your present harsh reality. Once you get to the WHERE, then you’ll know the WHY. Trust the process.”

Get tools to stay positive that things will work out in the end…

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P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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