My Story & Mission (6:05)
My story of lifelong struggle with binge eating - my steps to recovery - and how my tools have helped many thousands of others to recover too.
Why You Developed This "Maladaptive Coping Strategy" & Tools To Stop (PDF)
What Are Your "Secondary Gains" to Your Weight Gain? (PDF)
4 Food Categories: How to Mindfully Eat By Becoming Aware of Your Present Tendencies (PDF)
21 Self Awareness Journal Prompts For More Mindful Eating (PDF)
The 4 C’s Which Lead to Stress Eating (9:23)
Learn the 4 subconscious causes for stress eating: Childhood, Cultural, Challenges and Company You Hang Out With. Plus get tools to un-do their limiting beliefs so you get un-stuck from the urge to binge eat.
Reframing Tools: The Greater Than Sign (8:16)
A simple 4 minute tool to stop "impulse eating" - so you enjoy a more peaceful relationship with food – whether you’re trying to lose 10 pounds, 35 pounds, or over 100 pounds.
Fight, Flight & Bite Reversal (8:46)
Why" fight and flight" instincts lead to "bite instincts" - which make you want to stress eat! Plus a 4 minute tool to stop obsessive thoughts around food - in a lasting way.
Cognitive Dissonance Tool (4:32)
A simple 3 minute tool to strengthen willpower – developed from the psychology of “cognitive dissonance.”
Psychological Secrets of Happy Habits & Willpower (PDF)
10 "habit formation" tips to help turn your willpower into unmovable WALLpower – plus 1 helpful morning habit & evening habit which will help you to stay more committed & motivated to sticking to healthier eating.
Create Your Own Food Commandments (PDF)